
Evergrande update; Trouble with Country Garden Holdings; Banking system is collapsing, too!!

At this writing, Evergrande has failed to meet the self-imposed date for a restructuring of its $300 Billion debt. Evergrande is the most indebted company in the world!! Which is about 4x the amount of debt held by Bear-Sterns during the sub-prime meltdown of 2008. Evergrande restructuring is a fantasy. It is totally impossible for …

Evergrande update; Trouble with Country Garden Holdings; Banking system is collapsing, too!! Read More »

What to look for when inspecting a potential property to buy

If you go to inspect a property, what are you looking for?  Below is a checklist of a few items to consider when looking at a possible investment property: Area What’s your impression of the surrounding properties? What’s the status of the adjoining properties? How do you like the overall area? Property How many bedrooms/baths/parking …

What to look for when inspecting a potential property to buy Read More »

Buying a real estate course – Is it worth it?

You’ve seen the informercials.  You’ve been bombarded at real estate seminars.  You say to yourself, “this sounds great, but can I do it?”  With slick presentations that often leave out, or gloss over, the really hard parts, you’re lulled into spending your hard-earned money on hope.  A hope that you can do it.  “Is it …

Buying a real estate course – Is it worth it? Read More »

Evergrande is being Nationalized by the CCP!! Bondholders left out of the picture.

The Risk Management Committee (RMC) appointed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is now in charge of Evergrande. The RMC consists of nine members, six appointed by the CCP, one from one of the state-run businesses, and the remaining members from Evergrande. Last year, China announced the “Common Prosperity for All” program aimed at improving …

Evergrande is being Nationalized by the CCP!! Bondholders left out of the picture. Read More »

The Next Global Real Estate Collapse is Happening Now

“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes” – Mark Twain The 2008 subprime financial crisis was just a precursor to the greatest real estate collapse in history. At the time of this writing, the Chinese real estate market is collapsing.  This market tops out at $6 trillion! This is bigger than all of the …

The Next Global Real Estate Collapse is Happening Now Read More »